1. Select and purchase a product/strategy
2. Monitor your inbox for an email from us on the 1st day of every month
3. Follow/execute the respective market triggers included in the monthly email
A Buy-and-Hold strategy is simply not the most effective strategy in today’s investing climate. These strategies utilize a multitude of funds to capture upside gains and protect downside risk. They typically contain some combination of an offensive strategy (i.e. stocks/equity) and a defensive strategy (i.e. bonds/cash). However, not only is this approach inefficient, but it also leaves a lot of money on the table. Adding to that, with a Buy-and-Hold strategy, you’re always invested in the market which means you’re invested during major market downturns like the Tech and Housing bubbles that lost over 50% each time. This type of strategy is the equivalent of riding the ups and downs of a roller coaster and it’s time to get off.
Here’s how we differ: Unlike a Buy-and-Hold strategy that uses multiple funds/asset types to construct your portfolio, our innovative strategies utilize a single fund as the offensive strategy and a cash-equivalent fund as the defensive strategy. In any given month, you are either 100% invested in the single fund or 100% in cash, that’s it. The most important part however, and what makes our strategies work so well, are the clearly defined entry/exit market triggers that tell you when to be in the outlined fund and when to be in cash. These market triggers allow you to capture upside gains while providing you with a protective mechanism against major losses when bubbles collapse. Not only is this a much more easy-to-implement and efficient approach, but it has significantly out-performed a market Buy-and-Hold strategy since inception.*
The best part of all this? We do the work for you! We do all of the research, monitoring, and analysis which leaves you with much needed peace-of-mind. We do not manage your money so you are in complete control at all times. We simply provide you with the monthly market triggers and all you have to do is execute the trades in your investment account(s).
Take a peek at the performance figures in each of our strategies to see the difference between a Self Empowered Investor and a typical Buy-and-Hold investor.
Our sole purpose is to empower people to take control of their money and live the lives they’ve always dreamed about. We are here to partner with you along your journey and we want to see each and every one of you reach your full investment potential. But it all starts with a choice: Continue settling for the status quo and funding the industry, or set out on a new course and begin the journey of leaving a legacy for yourself and future generations.
It’s your money, start getting the most from it.
Buy-and-Hold Strategies | Our Strategies |
Ease of Implementation | Moderate | Very Easy ✓ |
Use in Employer-Sponsored Plans | Yes | Yes ✓ |
Use in non-Employer-Sponsored Plans | Yes | Yes ✓ |
Entry/Exit Market Triggers | No | Yes ✓ |
Invested During Market Upswings | Yes | Yes ✓ |
Invested During Major Market Downturns (i.e. bubble collapse) | Yes | No ✓ |
Out-Performed Market* | No | Yes ✓ |
Effectiveness in Today's Environment | Not Very Effective | Very Effective ✓ |
*Past performance does not guarantee future results